Aquifer Recharge Services

  • Aquifer recharge site evaluation and hydrogeologic characterization studies
  • Vadose zone and groundwater well installation and testing
  • Integrated vadose zone characterization methods to determine groundwater recharge rates
  • Unsaturated and saturated flow and transport modeling to support recharge project design
  • Surface spreading basin design
  • Aquifer storage and recovery well design
  • Stormwater capture and enhanced groundwater recharge studies
  • Preparation of technical supporting documents and permitting documentation
  • Conduct groundwater recharge short courses

Features Projects

Cochise County
Palominas, Arizona USA

Palominas Stormwater Capture and Recharge Facility

Screening evaluation of potential stormwater capture sites. Detailed near and deeper-subsurface investigation of recharge feasibility at selected sites. Precipitation-runoff-infiltration modeling to assess potential stormwater capture volumes. Design and implementation of stormwater capture and groundwater recharge monitoring system

Walla Walla Basin Watershed Council
Oregon/Washington, USA

Integrated Water Flow Modeling

Estimate basin-wide water resource distribution and usage. Develop calibrated basin-scale surface water-groundwater model. Conduct simulations to optimize basin recharge and water management strategies to increase river flows while supporting agricultural needs

Orange County Water District
La Palma, California USA

Riverbank Filtration to Improve Water Quality for Recharge

Develop and implement 9.9 Mm3/yr riverbank filtration pilot project to remove sediment and improve the water quality of Santa Ana river water. Design of pilot project monitoring system to determine infiltration rates, groundwater levels and capture rates. Unsaturated/ saturated flow modeling to predict infiltration and subsurface flow. Pilot project has since been expanded to 18.5 Mm3/yr

Western Development and Storage, LLC
Antelope Valley, California USA

Pilot Project Monitoring and Site Feasibility Evaluation

Develop pilot project vadose zone and groundwater monitoring system for 123.3 Mm3/yr groundwater recharge project. Monitor wetting front arrival and vadose zone and groundwater water quality; conduct in-situ hydraulic conductivity testing. Integration of pilot project data were to provide an assessment of site-wide project feasibility and assessment of impacts from prior agricultural use

Montgomery & Associates/Tucson Water
Tucson, Arizona USA

South Avra Valley Storage and Recovery Project

Design and installation of nested vadose zone monitoring wells to characterize a thick, shallow fine-grained unit that could impede recharge at a proposed 55.5 Mm3/yr groundwater recharge project. In-situ testing to determine the fine-grained unit hydraulic properties and develop recommendations for recharge operation optimization.

JPAR, LLC, Green Valley, Arizona USA

Project RENEWS Groundwater Recharge Project

Site screening and regional hydrogeologic assessment to select potential sites for proposed 8.6 Mm3/yr groundwater recharge project. Site-specific hydrogeologic investigations to select optimum site. Installation of nested piezometers and monitor wells for subsurface sampling and testing. Groundwater flow and transport modeling to assess potential storage and impacts. Preparation of technical and permitting documentation.

Aquifer Recharge Services Leader

Michael Milczarek, M.S. Senior Soil Scientist

  • 24 years of experience in developing, implementing, and managing vadose zone and hydrogeologic studies.
  • Actively managed or participated in over 25 groundwater recharge studies
  • Successfully permitted projects have total aquifer storage capacity of over 500,000 acre feet (620 Mm3) per year
  • Active in research on stormwater capture for groundwater recharge
  • Founding principal of GeoSystems Analysis, Inc.
  • Authored or co-authored 10 referred articles on natural and artificial groundwater recharge processes
  • Co-author on International Association of Hydrogeologist Monograph on Clogging Phenomena Related to Surface Water Recharge Facilities
  • Presents technical workshops on “State of the Art Techniques in Identifying and Characterizing Optimum Surface Spreading Groundwater Recharge Projects”
